Welcome to a new year of grade 4/5 at Bridlewood!
Wednesday Sept. 25
The challenge this morning was to think of something you would change if you could go back in time. It could have been something very personal to do with you, or it might be something more worldly to make our community or planet a better place to live. The day was very different after this. The class had music and gym as normal but the rest of the day was working cooperatively with room 53 and 53 to learn more about Phyllis Webstad and Orange Shirt Day. Together the classes heard a story book about the origins of Orange Shirt day and what happened to Phyllis when she was only 6 years old. The students made posters to display and advertise the importance of this recognition. In the afternoon the classes were together again and had to make a group of 3 students, one from each class so students had a chance to work with new people. The afternoon task was to create a script of information to share with other classes. The whole group discussed what information was important to includ...
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