Thursday March 12
It was a great day at the Glenbow Museum. The students had fantastic programs in the morning and afternoon. They looked at art through the lens of one of the people or objects in the art using the senses of SIGHT, HEARING, SMELL, FEELING and I WONDER. Students used these observations and created poetry. It was beautiful. Students also had the opportunity to create their own art piece from the senses of SMELL, TOUCH, HEARING and SIGHT. Students were shown multiple exhibits and given opportunity to sketch their favourites or pieces that caught their interest.
It was a great day and I thank the parent volunteers who joined us and made it possible.
- no Evergreen Theatre performance tomorrow for parents or public to watch
- there are no conferences next week
- please read the previous blog for more info and check your school messenger
It was a great day and I thank the parent volunteers who joined us and made it possible.
- no Evergreen Theatre performance tomorrow for parents or public to watch
- there are no conferences next week
- please read the previous blog for more info and check your school messenger
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