Friday March 6
What a day! The kids were super excited to perform their play for the audience today. We had a short practice time with our professional Judith before the performance began and then busied ourselves with other work while waiting for our turn on the stage! The costumes looked great and everyone said their lines with voice and expression that the whole gym could hear. We hope you enjoyed the show if you were able to come and watch.
When we were not performing or practicing we had Thank You Friday where almost everyone shared something to be thankful for. We are aiming for the whole class to have a thank-you the next time. We also reviewed yesterday's math problem about how many different ways could this expression be solved: ?x?=150 and ?x?=1 500. We are practicing communicating our thinking and showing our knowledge clearly. It might not be as simple as writing the equations. Explaining or showing how a particular equation makes these numbers was the goal. We also worked on the writing of our paragraph for the Canadian to be considered for the $5 bill.
- next Thursday is our field trip to Glenbow Museum..... everyone has returned their forms now.....YAAAYYYY
- thank you to the parents who have volunteered to join us. Come in with the kids that morning.
When we were not performing or practicing we had Thank You Friday where almost everyone shared something to be thankful for. We are aiming for the whole class to have a thank-you the next time. We also reviewed yesterday's math problem about how many different ways could this expression be solved: ?x?=150 and ?x?=1 500. We are practicing communicating our thinking and showing our knowledge clearly. It might not be as simple as writing the equations. Explaining or showing how a particular equation makes these numbers was the goal. We also worked on the writing of our paragraph for the Canadian to be considered for the $5 bill.
- next Thursday is our field trip to Glenbow Museum..... everyone has returned their forms now.....YAAAYYYY
- thank you to the parents who have volunteered to join us. Come in with the kids that morning.
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