Tuesday March 3

True or False math work started the day and then the class went to music. Today the class was introduced to long division using the partial quotient method. Using this strategy is more flexible than the traditional method and makes it easier for students to divide larger numbers. As with most strategies in math, knowing the basics is super important in order to make understanding and solving problems more efficient. If students don't know their multiplication basic facts up to 9x9, it makes solving division problems more difficult. Practice, practice practice is the only way to get better at something. 

There was a little time before going to gym for students to complete their homework for Evergreen Theatre. This information was used in the afternoon to help with creating their play. Not all information was used mind you. After gym we continued reading our novel Refugee. 

Right after lunch, we finished the novel! It was exciting to read the very end and hear how the stories finally connected. Isabel is happily living in Miami and going to school. She is in music class and has a new trumpet to play. She and her family are happy and safe. The really cool connection was when Mahmoud and his family were given a host family to live with in Germany. They are free from Syria and are safe now. Their host family turned out to be Ruthie! She was the one who got to go free from the Nazis when her mother gave her diamond earrings away. It was Josef who made the decision about who would go free and who would go to the concentration camp. His decision saved the life of his little sister who was taken in by a French family and kept safe.

Evergreen Theatre came to class and continued creating the play with us. There were a lot of great ideas shared and the play is going to be really fun and interesting I think. We will practice tomorrow in the gym. A short break outside and then we discussed looking at a piece of art and putting ourselves into it and using our senses. Today we only had enough time to share some of our ideas using our senses of sight, feeling (physical), emotions, hearing and smell. More work will be done with this to write down their ideas and then create a short story or paragraph describing all these senses.

- a notice went home today about Human sexuality beginning next week. This is just for information as well as an option to exempt your child. 
- field trip next week to the Glenbow....only 2 students need to return forms now
- check out this site about information regarding Evergreen Theatre residence.........http://school.cbe.ab.ca/school/Bridlewood/about-us/news-centre/_layouts/ci/post.aspx?oaid=16b6dbe3-6041-49f6-a7a9-f1b9adb324dd&oact=20001

- Yearbook information.....from the office
Would you like to order a YEARBOOK, the order deadline has now been extended to March 31st.
You can order and pay online with your MYCBE/PowerSchool account, you will find the fee under
School Based Optional Fees. Click on the yearbook icon and you will asked to add to your cart,
this will automatically add the $25 fee to your account. You can call the school office ask for the
fee to be attached the fee to your account, please email me directly at catunney@cbe.ab.ca or
call 403 777 6259 with your request.


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