Sept. 27 Important Field trip information
My apologizes to everyone in room 54. I was just given the updated cost of the bus that is taking us to Ann and Sandy Cross on Oct. 8. Due to this trip being classified as outside of city limits, the cost of bussing is slightly higher. The original cost was based on bussing within city limits for all the students going and was given at $12.00. With this new cost of bussing, the cost per student is now $13.25. This means the cost per student for this trip is up $1.25. When you use your MYCBE account to pay for this, the updated cost will show $13.25. This is the easiest and quickest way to make payment. Cash is accepted as well. Unfortunately, the school is no longer permitted to accept cheques to pay for trips, so if you have given a cheque to pay for this, I will return it to your child on Monday. Sorry for the miscommunication regarding cost, however Cathy just found out herself. I hope you all understand and will accept this slight increase. Sincerely, Shawn Mori