Tuesday Sept.24

The challenge this morning was if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why would you change this? The class had music in the room today because the gym was being used for pictures. After this we learned or reviewed expanded form of numbers and then added numbers together using this strategy. This is a good beginning to reviewing place value and the procedures of addition. Gym was in the music room today, for obvious reasons, and then the class had their pictures taken. A bit more time to practice and work on the adding questions was available before lunch.

In the afternoon the challenge was a kenken math puzzle. Then the students worked on a reading comprehension activity about Terry Fox. This was based from a Canadian Reader resource and the expectations are to read as many times as needed, then respond to the questions and underline the information in the reading to show where the answer was given. This is a strategy that helps slow the students who like to read too quickly and not fully understand what the reading is about. It also makes the student have to make sure they are correct as best as they can. After this the class discussed the things that were on their biotic and abiotic lists from the pond walk yesterday. It was pretty amazing how many non-living things were at the pond and part of that ecosystem. 

- The field trip to the Central Library on Oct. 3 has been postponed until further notice. We no longer need volunteers for this trip.
- Cross Conservation field trip on Oct. 8 is still on and volunteers are needed for this trip. 4 or even 5 would be great to make the groups smaller. Forms and letters are in mail boxes for tomorrow. 

- Terry Fox run is on for Thursday afternoon....rain or shine. Dress for the weather, check it in the morning so you are not going to be cold. If Terry could do it....so can we!


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