Congratulations and welcome to the end of the first week!!!! You made it! It was a quick day as most early dismissal Fridays are. The class was introduced to Thank You Friday, which is an activity where the students have an opportunity to say thank you to anyone in the class for pretty much anything. We sit in a circle so we are facing each other, and the person with the feather is the one who is able share. Sharing something could be as small as someone saying hi to them or inviting to play because it made the person feel wanted, or just made them feel good inside to be acknowledged. The idea is to have students be observant about what other people are doing or saying that is a positive help to someone or the environment. We want our class to understand that small gestures have big impacts, even if we don't think so. It's always nice to be recognized for the things we do, so this is one way. After Thank You Friday we worked on finishing our visual art cover. Most students were able to say they were completed. Some will have to finish next week. We had a quick snack and then the school had an assembly celebrating the first day and week at school. We learned and played a quick math game before the end of the day.
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