Monday December 2

Welcome to the month of December! Morning math today was about solving for an unknown in an equation. Students had to show their strategy so it was not really mental math. One strategy is to do the opposite of the operation that is part of the equation to find the missing value. For example, if the question was 24 = N + 13 to find N one way would be to subtract 24-13=11 so N must be 11. After going over the questions to share strategies, we looked at solving mobile puzzles and communicating clearly how we did it. This was more challenging than it appears, because our brains work much faster than what we think about. Stating what the question gave as information and then explaining what to do with that information was important. Then we had some more time to work on typing our stories. There was not much time today due to reviewing what good writing looks like and using the check list to help make sure the information was included.

In the afternoon we listened to 6 minutes and then responded to a challenge question not related to the story. We also worked on the December calendar in our visual journals. There are some very important dates to remember this month! We went to the book fair to have a look at the books that we can buy during conferences. We wrote down our choices and took them home. To end the day table groups began looking at their categories of images again and started to make the rules of why they put them in a category.

Please help if you can:

Bridlewood School will be collecting items for those who are in need to get through the cold winter. This initiative is in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CHMA) work to help people in the Calgary community.

We will be starting our collection of donations at Bridlewood School starting December 5th at Parent- teacher interviews and will collect items until Dec. 19th.

Items we will be collecting include:

Toiletries: Soap, shampoo, conditioner, other bath items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, feminine hygiene products, shaving cream and razors, manicure and pedicure nail sets, Chapstick, comb, hairbrush, Kleenex, deodorant and hair elastics

Clothing (All sizes men and women. Items do not have to be new, but in good to excellent and clean condition). Winter jackets, winter boots, snow pants, scarves, winter hats, mittens, gloves, thermal socks (must be new), thermal underwear, underwear (must be new), sweatpants, sweatshirts, plain t-shirts, jeans and wallets

Your generous donation will assist CMHA Calgary is supporting others through shared understanding, hope and increase community resiliency. Thank you

- sign up for a conference time using your MYCBE account.
- conferences are this Thursday evening and Friday morning
- there is no school this Friday because of conferences
- Thursday is early dismissal at 11:45
- the mayor's food drive is on and there are boxes set up by the office for any non-perishable food item(s) you can donate to help the needy


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