Friday October 18

With 4 students absent, Thank You Friday felt smaller and faster than usual. After our thanks, the class continued working on their Haiku poems. Today the focus was on nature relating to Remembrance Day. You would think this topic would be too narrow, but there is a lot of nature that can be focused on. Poppy, dove, any kind of weather, the ground could be used. As a class we created a poem about the poppy. Students were able to see that meeting the rules of 5-7-5 syllables per line was not that difficult, but choosing powerful words that had meaning and connected to Remembrance Day was a bit of a challenge. Then the class worked on completing their field trip reflection. To end the morning, we began to watch a video from the CBC called MarketPlace. The episode was focused around recycling plastics from Canada. We haven't finished it yet, but the students are taking jot notes and are finding out that recycling plastics is big business around the world. Its good business.....but is it good for the earth?

- Halloween dance is Oct. 24, RSVP with $5


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