Tuesday October 22

True and false Tuesday started our day. Students had to prove if the mathematical statements were true or not. The class went to music and then practiced addition some more. Today students used the traditional algorithm to add 5 and 6 digit numbers. Students picked up on this method pretty well and is a good strategy for a lot of them. Class worked on this until gym time and then continued writing haiku poems about Remembrance Day.

In the afternoon, the challenge book question was related to our field trip as well as the next social studies project. Students were asked which type of people had a harder time in history using the land; Natives or Settlers? This was more difficult that anticipated, perhaps because this information was given a couple of weeks ago and has been forgotten already. Another reason we review often. After this question, the class worked on a reading comprehension activity using the Canadian Reader resource. The topic was about the election that just occurred yesterday. At the end of the day the class was introduced to the next social studies project. In this activity the students will choose 3 topics to focus on and then travel back in time to the different eras we learned about while at Ann and Sandy Cross. The native time, the settler time and the modern time. We live in the modern time. The choices of topics include; clothing, shelter, food, population, waste and transportation. The lens we are looking through is how do people use the land? Some guiding questions are; 
How does the land look different? 
Are we doing better, worse or the same? 
The activity is to create a story using the senses see, hear and smell to explain how the land has been used by these different eras. The ending of their story will be explaining what they learned.

- Halloween dance is this Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30....no masks or weapons...please bring in your ticket request tomorrow 
- Oct. 31 is orange and black day
- Oct. 24 is fun lunch


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