Thursday November 21
Our morning math for Thinking Thursday was using a pattern chart to find the rule for the problem. Then using that rule solve questions. Then we shifted gears and learned the area or box method of multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. This is an easy way to break down multiplying large numbers into smaller more manageable numbers. After some practice, most students were able to solve equations using this method. This work took us to gym where the students played a game of bench ball. We read more from our novel Refugee after this.
In the afternoon the class heard another episode of 6 Minutes then worked on a picture sort of images of different environments and ecosystems. Students worked in their table groups and had to communicate their ideas of what categories to create for the images, as well as support their ideas with reasons why an image should belong in a certain category. There were many common categories, as well as some unique categories for each of the images. The groups had an opportunity to share their sorts and give reasons why they chose their categories.
- no school for students, PD day for teachers
- if you want to enter the poetry contest, please have your information in on Monday. Biography and information sheet and poem choice. The deadline to submit is Friday.
In the afternoon the class heard another episode of 6 Minutes then worked on a picture sort of images of different environments and ecosystems. Students worked in their table groups and had to communicate their ideas of what categories to create for the images, as well as support their ideas with reasons why an image should belong in a certain category. There were many common categories, as well as some unique categories for each of the images. The groups had an opportunity to share their sorts and give reasons why they chose their categories.
- no school for students, PD day for teachers
- if you want to enter the poetry contest, please have your information in on Monday. Biography and information sheet and poem choice. The deadline to submit is Friday.
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