Thursday November 28

For Thinking Thursday this morning, the class worked on solving equations where there was an unknown on one side. We looked at how to solve these kinds of questions and found that there are 2 or 3 different ways. After this we worked on our stories again, getting them typed up and edited. The class was given a checklist to follow to make sure they had important information. We went to gym and then had some personal reading time.

In the afternoon the class listened to 2 more episodes of 6 minutes. We had a discussion about why things were happening and what we thought was going on. Keeping the students honest about engaging in the story and having an opinion or being curious with a question. After this we re-visited the unknown equations from the morning. We reviewed the different strategies and counting on was the most visual using a number line. Some students were able to show that subtracting was a more efficient way to solve for an unknown number. For example: N + 56 = 234 starting at 56 + 100 = 156+4=160+40=200+34=234 so that means N=100+4+40+34=178. To end the day we discussed Treaty 7 and what it means for the nations and the government of Canada. 

- conference bookings opens up tomorrow


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