Wednesday January 29

For word problem Wednesday we had to figure out the area of a new section of school. Given information was partially shown on the diagram, and then clues were given to figure out the missing lengths and widths of the rectangles. This was a multi-step problem that required understanding of how to find the area of a rectangle and what length and width means related to the sides of a rectangle. After this work, the class worked on finding all the rectangles for the same perimeter. One perimeter was 10 cm and the other perimeter was 18cm. Students found that there were only two different rectangles that could be made with a perimeter of 10cm. There were four different rectangles that could be made for a perimeter of 18cm. 

The class then had time to begin their research on their chosen region. Today students had access to computers or text books to help locate needed information. The outline was given to students, as well as the rubric and success criteria.

In the afternoon, we had a chance to correct errors from our comprehension activity about disappearing birds. We were to re-read the article to find the correct responses. Taking time to go back over work is an important comprehension skill because it makes the reader slow down and check answers more carefully. There was music and gym in the afternoon today because the grade one's needed the gym to practice for their learning night.

- today was Bell Let's Talk day for mental health awareness....hats were allowed....sorry I forgot to remind the class
- Friday is school 


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