Friday January 24

The thanked each other for actions appreciated this week during Thank You Friday. Then students had more time to complete their concept map on the regions of Alberta or the regions of Canada. Some sharing after showed that the class has a little information that is on the right track about these different regions. They were using common sense and background knowledge as well as inferences using the name of the region to help them put together their ideas. After this there was some time given to complete their visual journal page about everything they could remember about the importance of being aware when using the internet or playing online games. Today was our extra gym day and we played running games to get the kids active. To end the day the class had time to finish and test their group's elastic design challenge object. After testing some groups found that their idea didn't work the way they thought or wanted it to and had to revise and make changes to their design. Some groups decided to start over almost from the beginning. It was unfortunate that some groups were not able to complete their design due to revising and not communicating enough with their group. We do have a couple of examples to look at next week, which were tested and seemed to meet the group's expectations.

- next Friday is a PD day
- if you have any small water bottles that could be donated to the class for a project that would be appreciated


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