
Showing posts from February, 2020

Friday February 28

We started with our Thank You Friday circle. We had almost every student be thankful for something or someone this week. We are emphasizing kindness in any way, big or small so it is hopefully easier to catch someone being kind or doing some act of kindness. After this we started a writing activity that will help everyone write more descriptively. The saying, Show don't Tell, is the main idea of writing descriptively. We started with a very simple boring sentence called a skeleton sentence because it is very basic and bare bones. From this we added details that described the five W's. Who, What, Where, When and Why. As a class we worked on a skeleton sentence and brainstormed these details. These were just ideas, and didn't have to be used when writing the actual paragraph. See our example to get an idea of what expanding a boring sentence is like.  Skeleton Sentence: Sam went upstairs. Who : nine years old, short for his age, red hair, oldest child in his family ...

Thursday February 27

Thinking Thursday was about finding as many ways to solve the equation ? x ? = 36 or ? x ? = 120... depending on which grade students were in. Everyone was able to find more than one way to make these numbers. Today was the last weather data collection. We will start using this data to help us learn graphing. We helped set up the gym for the assembly by putting out chairs this morning. In math we learned a new game called Leftovers. This is a game that practices and reinforces division using 15 cubes, a die and 6 pieces of paper. The winner is the person who has collected the highest amount of cubes as leftovers from the division equations they were able to make. We played this game and then played around the world while waiting for the Mayor to arrive so we could begin our Kindness assembly. It was great to see and hear Mayor Nenshi speak about his friend Sheri Macauley and how she really started the city looking at small acts of kindness to make big affects. It was a good assembly ...

Wednesday February 26

Weather collection and Word Problem Wednesday started our day. The more we practice reading and solving different kinds of word problems the more efficient the students are getting. The class had music and gym and then they worked in their literature circle groups.  In the afternoon the class read a Canadian Reader article about Buddy Benches. These benches are designed to support anyone (mostly school children) who may feel lonely and need a friend or someone to play with. Some schools across the country use these benches. Friendship benches used in secondary schools more often, are very similar to buddy benches, but these benches have a mental health message about them. The main idea behind reading and discussing this article is that today is Pink Shirt Day. Being aware of how others may be feeling and that being kind and showing kindness is a way to support anti-bullying (Pink Shirt Day). Tomorrow Mayor Nenshi is going to be at the school to help support being kind to others. ...

Tuesday February 25

True or False Tuesday and collecting weather data started us off on the right foot this morning. Reviewing subtraction is important it seems as some students forgot how to regroup correctly. The class had music and then we continued learning and practicing how to show equal groups, multiplication and repeated subtraction to division. The important thing to remember is that every method needs to match so it makes sense. This work took us until gym and then we read another chapter of Refugee. We left on another cliff hanger where Josef's mom had to choose between her two children who would be free from the Nazi's and who goes to concentration camp with mom.  In the afternoon, the class had some personal reading time and then we listened to an episode of 6 Minutes. The class then worked in their literature circle groups. We listened to another 6 Minutes and then continued our investigation of the pictures on the wall in the hallway and began discussing how they relate to Canadia...

Friday February 21

We did our Thank You Friday circle and collected the weather data first thing this morning. Some nice thank-yous were heard today. After this we read an article from the Calgary Herald from last year about a Calgarian named Cheri Macaulay. She was someone who made an impact on trying to make Calgary a kinder place. After reading the article, the class brainstormed some things that kindness means to them. There was quite a list! We discussed that acts of kindness could be very small or big and that it didn't really matter as long as it was making someone's life a little better. The class wrote one or two of the things that kindness means to them on a large piece of paper that will be used as a school art piece next week. Speaking of next week, Mayor Nenshi will be joining our school for an assembly on Thursday to talk about kindness and what that means to him. This week was our extra gym week, so we went to gym and played some running tag games. After this we watched a Magic S...

Thursday February 20

Our morning math was a review of how to solve equations with an unknown as one of the addends. It was nice to see that many students were able to solve these questions with little trouble. We collected our weather data as well first thing this morning. Then the grade 4s did their accountability pillar survey with Ms. Lambrinoudis. While the grade 4s were out, the grade 5s worked on an area and perimeter art activity where they had to create an image using only squares and rectangles. Then they had to choose two of their shapes and calculate the area and perimeter of each of them. Once the whole class was back we began our introduction of division by creating and filling in their own personal Frayer diagram. This is where they have a space to put the definition, some examples of what division is, a space for non examples and a space for writing or showing the characteristics of division. Since this is the first look at division this year, some students didn't have much informatio...

Wednesday February 19

Weather collection and Word Problem Wednesday got our day going. Today there were four different word problems to show work for and answer in a sentence. This is getting our brains to think of what the question is asking to solve and what kind of mathematical strategies can be used. Some students learned that repeated addition is not the fastest way to solve a problem. The class had music and gym and then worked in their literature circle groups continuing to read their books and complete a working role and share their responses. In the afternoon, we read and discussed the next chapter in Refugee and then wrote a response to a question about what happened. Responding to a question really makes each student accountable for listening and understanding the book. Engaging in the discussion by sharing and listening to what others share is vitally important to deepening the comprehension for everyone.  After this we finished our observations and responses to the artwork that is in th...

Tuesday February 18

Welcome back after a long 5 day weekend! We got right back into the swing of things by collecting the weather data for the major cities and completing a True or False Tuesday math warm up. The class had music and then worked on finishing their snowflakes. The goal was to complete 2 snowflakes with ten arms that had ten ticks and one that had a choice of ticks. The other two snowflakes had to have six arms, one with ten ticks and the other one with five ticks. Some students had to finish after eating lunch. The class had gym and then worked to finish their snowflakes if they could. In the afternoon, we read another chapter from Refugee and learned that Josef and his family were accepted into France. His family (dad not with them though) lived there for ten months like a normal family. Then Germany invaded France as the world war began.  Students then worked in their literacy circle groups and completed another role. Today they were given a helper page that contained some differe...

Wednesday February 12

Word Problem Wednesday and weather data collection got us going this morning. Today's morning math was about walking a dog in minutes and being able to understand concepts such as less, more, half and twice. The class went to music and gym after this and when they came back we shared whatever valentine's the students had. After this the class had time to continue working on their snowflake math diagrams. Some were able to begin drawing their snowflakes onto the black paper once they had practiced drawing some in their visual journals.  In the afternoon, we continued working in our math journals communicating what we know about area and perimeter. As a class we worked together and modeled how this is to look and what kinds of information should be included. The next journal will be less modeled and more independent.  This journaling activity took more time than expected so to end the day the class had more time to work on their snowflakes.  Reminders: - there is no ...

Tuesday February 11

True or False Tuesday opened the day. Proof was needed to see if the equations were correct or not. Weather data collection for the major cities was also gathered. Then the class went to music. We started working in our math journals when we returned. We brainstormed what we thought was needed to show and express our understanding of area and perimeter as a class, then it was a very guided activity as to how to set up our pages and show what was needed to express understanding. We did't get finished today, so this journaling will continue tomorrow. We worked on this until gym and then watched a short video (The Nature of Things) about how snowflakes are formed in nature. We learned that all snowflakes almost always have 6 branches that come from the center and that there are no two snowflakes alike. They can be very similar looking, but there are too many variables in the process to be able to duplicate perfectly. We also learned that snowflakes are not perfectly symmetrical. They ...

Monday February 10

Mental Monday was all about calculating and solving problems in their heads. Lots of benchmark numbers that should be easy to use. After this the class was given their math check ins and we went over the solutions for all the questions. Students will get both check ins back tomorrow to take home. Then math journals was introduced to the class. This journal will be used to communicate all their understanding about different concepts taught. The first entry will be on area and perimeter. The class was able to see an example from a previous year and different grade level. The sample journal was done very well and demonstrated how to be really organized and really communicate clearly their understanding. The first entry will be very modeled and step by step so each student has a good strong base of expectations. After this the class was given their last time to complete their region research and turn it in. There are quite a few students who were not finished in time, and will have to fi...

Friday February 7

We collected weather data this morning and then had time to give thanks to anyone during Thank You Friday. After this we went over the math re-do check-in question by question to help clarify any misunderstandings. The class then was given the check-in and hopefully the results will show improvement. After this we did some Friendology work because there have been some friendship fires lately among students in the grade. Today we discussed what the four foundational facts about friends are. 1. Friendships are not perfect 2. Each friendship is different 3. Trust and Respect are the most important qualities in a friendship 4. Friendships can and do change We also discussed that sometimes friends can have arguments and that is long as the 'fire' is put out in a reasonable and fair way. Then we created a Friend-O-Meter in our visual journals and listed the qualities that make healthy friendships, as well as qualities that make unhealthy friendships. To end the da...

Thursday February 6

This morning table groups collected weather data for one of the eight cities. Then each student had a Thinking Thursday puzzle to try and solve. Today's puzzle was figuring out the unknown value using the pattern shown. You had to use logical and mathematical number sense to find a final value using 3 numbers. Different operations could be used but only the numbers given. The pattern could include more than one operation and the order of how the numbers used was important.  After this students worked on their regions presentation. Some are thinking they are done and have shared it already. Before and after gym, we reviewed one last time what area and perimeter are and how to measure them. We used a short interactive video found from LearnAlberta called math live 5 and worked as a class to figure out the answers to the problems.  After lunch as a class we went over the math check in from last week. Students were given their work back to see where they made errors and we s...

Wednesday February 5

This morning we did not have a morning math question. Instead the class was given a new task that involves gathering information on the weather for eight different cities in Canada. The activity involves using a computer to find information for the current temperature (as well as real feel), wind speed, humidity and precipitation. Table groups are given a record sheet to record the information and each table will be given a different city each day to continue adding information too. We will do this everyday in the morning for the next 14 days and then graph this information. Since today was the introduction, there was no morning math question. Tomorrow there will be both jobs to complete when they enter the room. The class had music and gym in the morning. Apparently the class was not on its best behaviour during Mission Impossible and there were quite a few students who did not show proper respect for other students as well as Ms. O. This was quite the opposite behaviour from yester...

Tuesday February 4

True and False Tuesday had the students proving if given perimeters and areas were correct or if the given statement about area and perimeter were true or not. We are still furthering our understanding of these concepts. There will be another check in on Friday to see if there is more understanding. Last week's check in was surprising!  The class had music and then we worked on an area challenge. The challenge was to estimate and then find how many sticky notes it would take to cover one side of a filing cabinet. One sticky note was given to each table, the length of the cabinet was given and the number of sticky notes needed to fill in the width was shown on the video. No one found the correct number of sticky notes, but this information will be used tomorrow to continue the challenge for all the sides of the cabinet. The class had gym and had their first time on the Mission Impossible course. In the afternoon, the class was given a special gym time to help the grade one's...

Monday February 3

Wow another new month already. Mental Monday was a mix of adding, multiplying and even some division. All work should have been able to be worked out in the mind, with work shown to support. After this we reviewed what perimeter is and how to find the perimeter of any shape....not just a rectangle. Hopefully using toothpicks to make rectangles with a perimeter of 24 helped students to see that there are more than one rectangle for a given perimeter and that to find perimeter you have to add the measurements of all sides together. Tomorrow we will have a look at area again. Then the class had a good chunk of time to work on their research of one of the regions in Canada or Alberta. Again the use of the internet was invaluable as well as good ol'fashion books. In the afternoon, the class worked on their literacy circles tasks and discussions. We stressed the importance of having the discussion after the role work was completed. This discussion allows all group members to make com...